

Segorbe and Castellnovo (Spain)


Ángel Martínez and myself are founders and artistic directors of the Saxophone Festival SAX-AP at Segorbe (Spain). This Festival took place for the first time on July 2022 and it will continue taking place every Summer. Since 2023, Cristina Vivas, José Vicente Catalá, Álvaro Gual and Ferran Gorrea are also part of the board of directors for the Festival.

What is SAX-AP?

SAX-AP is a three-day festival, in which amateur saxophonists, former conservatory students and professional saxophonists from Alto Palancia (Castellón, Spain) participate in activities such as masterclasses, saxophone expositions, conferences, chamber music rehearsals and concerts. The aim of the Festival is to bring together saxophonists from the region to enjoy playing together.

Inscriptions until 5.07 at 23:59.



Mehrspur - Galerie


Förrlibuckstrasse 109, 8005 Zürich

SPURFREI - open stage for free improvisation

Gemma Galeano and Ferran Gorrea, moderation

Guest: TBA

Free improvisation is communication through sounds and movements. It's sharing moments and feelings.

The open stage is, as mentioned, open for all kind of artistic discipline, as long as itˋs completely improvised.

At the opener we'll listen an impro set from our guest and the moderators of SPURFREI. After the opener, we'll organise groups spontaneously, and magic will happen!

Bring your instrument, play some impro and get a free drink!

or you can just come to listen 👂

Free entrance